Monday, November 29, 2010

Finished Project: Harmony

Size made: One size fits all
Craft: Knit 

Needle used: US 7 ciruclar needles, US 9 circular needles
Yarn used: Crystal Palace Yarns Mini Mochi (used about 2 skeins; 374 yards)
Color: Violet Rainbow
Bought Yarn From: Allyn Knit Shop & Spinning Supply in Allyn, Washington
Use yarn again? Yes but I would prefer a different colorway for myself.  I would also be interested in trying their worsted weight yarn or a rainbow colorway (it looks pretty cool knit up but would be suitable for only a few people or kids, haha).

Project Details and Feedback
Duration of Project: October 5th to November 11th, 2010
Made for: Mommy!  She picked out and bought the yarn for a hat/scarf set.  I decided on this shawl for the scarf part of the set.  The hat is blogged about here.
Modifications: I used a bigger size needle because the yarn was a bit thicker.I also bound off with needles two sizes bigger because I wanted to be sure it wasn't too tight.  I also ended up doing some accidental modifications because somehow, my stitch count got realllly far off in the middle sections (2 and 3),  I ended up fixing the stitch count gradually in Section 4.  I also found that I was running out of yarn fast so I decided to bind off without a ruffle border.  I really wish I could have done the ruffle border but I think it still looks pretty great without it.
Make this pattern again?  I think so...if I have enough patience for it.   I find that the last sections are just so tedious.  Each row takes hours by then.  If I do find the opportunity to do it again I would really strive for the ruffled border because I do like that.

 What I learned/practiced in this pattern: My patience! haha! I also found the way of starting this was very fascinating, check it out sometime!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Finished Project: Leftovers

Size made: One size fits all
Craft: Knit 

Needle used: US 5 circular, US 7 ciruclar needles, and US 7 dpns
Yarn used: Loops & Threads Impeccable Ombres and Red Heart Soft Yarn
Color: Seaside; Lt. Heather Grey
Use yarn again? Yep 

Project Details and Feedback
Duration of Project: November 6th (early afternoon) to November 6th, 2010 (late night)
Modifications: No modifications
Make this pattern again? I really like this pattern; how it looks, how easy it is, how fast it is, etc. For some unknown reason though, it came out reallly big.  Thankfully the recipient has a big head (Vlad) so it should fit fine and if it was intended for a girl I feels great as a slouchy hat.  I named this leftovers because I used some stash yarn I had lying around that I though would look pretty good together.  I think it is fitting to give Vlad a hat named Leftovers because well, he's a fan of leftovers. haha! I hope he likes it and I told him he wasn't getting one because I was too lazy to make him anything so we'll see what he says! =]
Anyway this pattern was fun to do and I hope to make one for me...that fits.  I really love all of Jared Flood's designs and am such a fan of his work.  This pattern looks so versatile that I can see this being a pretty popular requested hat from people. (Mom's already requested it!)

 What I learned/practiced in this pattern: Practiced stripes.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Finished Project: The Yarn Eater

The Yarn Eater
Size made: One size fits all
Craft: Knit 

Needle used: US 9 circular, US 6 dpns (because I couldn't fine my 7's!*)
Yarn used: Loops & Threads Impeccable Solids
Color: Cadet
Use yarn again? Yep 

Project Details and Feedback
Duration of Project: November 5th to November 6th, 2010
Modifications: My only modifications were accidental apart from on row of knit all at the end because I used US 6's instead of 9 dpns so I figured it needed another row to make up for the smaller stitches.
Make this pattern again? Yes I think so. This was a fun pattern to do and I really like the finished look.  I think it's really good for a girl/women that is not girly. for me eventually? Probably! This also used up so much yarn (thus the name) due to the garter stitch.  I was really getting nervous near the end but there was no need! This yarn has so much in a skein! But all in all, I definitely do recommend this hat to make! Fun, fast knit and I think it looks very interesting and unique!

 What I learned/practiced in this pattern: First time with garter stitch in the round.  I love how garter stitch looks! =]


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finished Project: Baldy

Size made: One size fits all
Craft: Knit 

Needle used: US 7 circular, US 6 dpns (because I couldn't fine my 7's!*)
Yarn used: Loops & Threads Impeccable Solids
Color: Forest
Use yarn again? Yep 

Project Details and Feedback
Duration of Project: October 31st to November 1st, 2010
Modifications: Only thing I changed was that I cast on 90 stitches instead of 100(?).
Make this pattern again? This is a nice pattern but it took me awhile to get started on it (about 2 days).  I think I might be getting a few requests for this hat from guys but we'll see what happens.  I personally do not like how it feels on the head but it could be just because it is too big or it could just be how the edge seems loose.  However..I think it will look handsome on a guy though so I'm hoping that Rick (Vlad's step-dad) likes it. Vlad helped me pick out the name for this project for Rick and thus I present the "Baldy"

 What I learned/practiced in this pattern: Practiced ribbing


* Found my 7's!!! =]