Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blog address change!!!

So very soon I'm going to change my blog address to something more simple instead of the l-and-her-ramblings one.  It will be in a few days because I want to give people a chance to see this post before the URL you go to won't work!  

So here is what will happen.  I will change the address on Saturday night (August 4) or Sunday (August 5) and if I do or don't I will do a blog post stating it.  To find my new blog address you can either email me or go to my blogger profile:  On my blogger profile the blog will be under "My blogs" and will still be Knitting with a Smile.  If you just click on that link and subscribe or bookmark the new URL you'll be able to continue seeing my posts!  

I hope I don't lose anyone in this transfer and I'm sorry for any inconvenience it might cause you!


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