Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Root beer and jazz

So today is the day of my Microbiology lab practical! (wish me luck!!!)

I take it in about 25 minutes so i'm...uh...stressin' out....to say the least.
I'm prepared..i'm just so nervous. Nursing is ridiculous. I'm working my butt off and studying non stop and i'm afraid it won't be enough ...because i won't have enough A;s. Now that is just ridiculous!
Another thing that is ridiculous is that the freshman apply for classes before the sophomores. They have so much more time to take their classes...whereas we only have 1 semester to take the classes necessary so we can even apply for upper division.
I just don't understand that.

I've also been thinking about grandpa a lot lately. I miss him. I wish I would have been older when we talked so he could have felt more comfortable to tell me more things about the war. I could have learned a lot more.
I also wish i didn't go and play with the kids at the apartment complex he stayed at as much but instead talked to him.
Some of the things that you miss once their gone...it just sucks.
At least I had the time I did have.

On another note...listening to this jazz music and the oldie music in starbucks that has been playing lately has gotten me suppper excited for Christmas! I can't wait for Christmas carols and presents and trees and lights and gah! i'm just way excited for it this year! HORRAY! =D

i feel a bit better now
time for..lab...eek! =P


Rita Mae said...

Good luck on your lab practical. I'll be praying you remember everything you've learned! xxxooo mom

LeeAnn Purtha said...

Thank you!!!

I honestly feel like a did a great job!!!...but...I'm going to be planning for the worse! ..don't wanna get super disappointed!